Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Keep Moving..

It’s been long since I thought I can actually write something...but to the actual fact of life. Today it just all started when I read one of my followers email after years. I never thought in my life I will be inspired to write again....

Today it gives me immense pleasure to pen down my thoughts once again. It’s always been a great sense of achievement within me, when I knew there are people who eagerly wait for me to write. To my fault I left things far behind and just kept walking ahead.

All those years, I never turned back and even made an effort to read what all I ever wrote. There was a sheer sense of disappointment within me after losing my mother. Nothing kept moving for me except my work. With a sense of responsibility I just kept going without giving a pause to myself. Failing to understand the essence of time for oneself - I lost the most precious time. Wherein, I lost another friend and a way of expressing my thoughts.

Well I can’t get back the lost time. All I can do is try and start capturing my thoughts once again…



1 comment:

Lover said...

I am really sorry to know about your mother.. May her soul rest in peace.. Life does not stop for anyone and that's the crude truth everyone understands but at different stages of their lives.. You need to move with life.. Don't loose your friends.. Stay connected.. Keep smiling.. Keep writing.. God bless you :-)